Sunday, August 24, 2014

Magic Loop

You know I think I have done this accidentally while making hats. And I have made a lot of hats- just since I've been off. I made a pink cap...
And then I made a beard hat- silly but surprisingly warm....
And the sad fact is I want to keep them both. I was thinking, the whole time I knitted the pink cap that it was going to have to go to a kid- but it fits perfectly. Hugs the head! I LOVE it. I must keep it. I made the whole thing Friday mostly at the dentist office. I am not paying enough attention to the cable slipper tutorial. But I will make some for myself. And maybe mom for Christmas. Blue ones for her. Of course what I've seen I can already do in my sleep. I am proud of my knitting- like, if someone asks me about it, I admit that I have only been knitting awhile (probably close to 10 years. Frankly I can't recall!) But right out of the gate I was making cables and doing 3-d stuff and really challenging myself. I do love to knit. It has been such a gift and blessing in my life. How many long waits would have been dreadful without yarn and needles! How many people I've been able to give something handmade and personal thanks to the yarn. I love it. It's enriched my life to a degree I can't really emphasize enough. Knitting has made me happy.

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