Friday, March 19, 2010


I am making a pink and green hat for Pam. Ben's getting a scarf; I've been thinking a long time of something special for him, and something practical but really cool, he can be proud to wear. Not something you shove under the car seat until winter lowers a couple inches of ice on you. I think of anyone i made things for, the Dr. Who Scarf was the most coveted. And, though everyone was grateful I know some of my hats and scarves weren't on the list of what I want most! i enjoyed every stitch. I adored making things. There were good moments last year. And some bad ones. Knitting was in all of them.
Green hat and booties, testing to see if I could reproduce the pattern from memory...close but no cigar!
Looking for the perfect manly scarf for red black and brown.

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